Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Committee Welcomes TAC
The Arts Collaborative was welcomed to membership in the Alexandria Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce by the committee that performs the public relations role for the Chamber. TAC was represented at the December 15 meeting by Dr. Jim Pence, who wrote the grant that provided funding for the TAC website, and Nicole Mulder, Executive and Artistic Director of Theater L’Homme Dieu. Jim and Nicole have been active in the formation of TAC and the promotion of its mission. The Chamber Committee members heard about the role TAC seeks to play in the arts community and asked questions to assist them in promoting the work of TAC and its organizations in the greater community. A press release about the meeting will be shared with local media.
We want the community to help tell the story of the value of the arts to quality of life and economic development in the Alexandria area, and encourage the leaders of business and industry to help TAC continue to generate pools of potential board members for our organizations. Nonprofits everywhere depend on volunteers of all kinds, from ushers and ticket takers to donors and board members. One of the important roles we seek to play in The Arts Collaborative is to help generate and cultivate candidates for board membership with ties to businesses in the community. Individuals with backgrounds in financial planning, strategic planning, community engagement, and marketing are examples of potential individuals with great value. Some of our organizations have no paid staff and small boards. Sharing the opportunity for our community leaders to join our boards will have a tremendous impact on the sustainability of these organizations.
If you are interested in getting involved with one of our arts organizations, send us an email at